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Are you ready for the next step in your career & education goals?

If you asked me that question while I was at Brown University, I would have confidently responded .... NO!

I had no clue what I was going to do after college. My major changed several times and I certainly did not have a plan; but now, I have a great career in Finance and graduated from a top MBA program on a Full-tuition scholarship. Not one individual would have predicted my results. So I’m here to remind you that you can achieve great things even if they appear impossible at this moment!

I am enthusiastic about helping others achieve their goals and the reason that I wrote the Free E-book: Dream to Achieve: A practical guide to pursue your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations. Offered to you as an ALPFA member. This simple read will provide lessons to expedite the process of achieving your life goals.

Lessons & Ideas for next steps

First, I suggest that you reflect about your path after college. Do you want to go medical school? Law School? Business School? Or are you ready to start your career? These questions are difficult to answer and maybe you don’t have the answers. Start to think about your plan and next steps. Do not limit yourself. Go after the big goals in your life. Do not let any negativity cloud your ability to dream big. To start crafting your strategic plan do the following:

  • Get out a paper and write down your goals

Seriously, right now, reach for a piece of paper and write down your goals. Let your mind think freely. At this stage, don’t worry about the obstacles and let your mind to think creatively. After you write down your goals, circle the most important one. The goal that you believe will make the most impact in your life. From this moment, make sure to make this goal a priority and do not lose sight of this goal.

  • Get out and connect with people

There is probably someone in your network that has done what you are trying to do. Get in front of people that are in the field you want to be. Send out introductory emails to people that are experts, even if they are strangers. Don’t be afraid to follow-up with a courtesy call. Seek out help and offer help. Why is this important? Nothing happens by doing nothing. Taking action and getting in front of people is what matters. Your network will keep you both accountable and give you inside knowledge.

  • Get out and fail!

Yes, go out and fail, because this will be a part of the process. Don’t get discouraged and go for what you want. When I was applying to business school, I failed miserably. Many schools rejected me but I kept going. Let me be one of the many to say that there is no substitute for hard work. There may be long days ahead and some days you will feel like quitting. Keep working towards toward your goals. The more you try the more you may fail but the more you will succeed.

Are you ready to start your strategic plan?

Do you want to learn how to achieve more than you could ever imagine?

Then read and download a free copy of my E-book!

Also check out

Dream to Achieve

FREE E-Book (Click Image):

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Miguel Palomares has a Bachelor's from Brown University and MBA from Carnegie Mellon. He is a Speaker, Author & Coach.

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Motivational Speaker | Fresno, Los Angeles, San Francisco CA

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