The Opportunity
You may not know when your opportunities are going to come to you. One lesson that I teach, is that there are many opportunities that come our way. My opportunity came while I was registering for classes; My counselor offered to take me on a trip to some of the most distinguished universities in the world. But guess what? I was skeptical because I did not believe in myself. I was also unaware in the value of the trip. Years later, I would come to realize that this was a life changing event for me. I graduated from college and developing a great career beyond my imagination. Let me ask you….
What things are you taking for granted?
Are you missing out on opportunities around you?
Recently, I had a chance to speak to a small group of students in Porterville, CA. This was for Mr Mares’ Ivy League Project, a very similar program that I went through. The morning that I was set to give my motivational speech, my youngest daughter had a tummy ache. I was hesitant to leave to the event but I made the trip in order to deliver my message. I reflected on the opportunities that were given to me. Suddenly, I knew that I needed to make it happen and pay it forward to students that are very deserving. There are many people around us that can guide us towards our goals. There are many people that have done the things we want. There are people willing to help. Have you reached out to them?
As you think about the choices you make each day. The one thing that you should consider is NOT to make drastic changes one day but rather make one minimal change every day!
Check out the Ivy League Project and consider joining a life changing event.

April 2018 Picture: Ivy League Project ( )